A recent survey showed that approx. half of consumers still preferred to use physical media like DVD’s to buy or rent movies
- There’s no question that the ability to watch movie through streaming has had a significant impact on the sales of physical media, like DVD’s. However, the belief that DVD or Blu-ray discs have all but gone the way of the Dodo due to video streaming services has proven to be a bit premature. In fact, recent studies have proven that approximately, 49% of all consumers exclusively purchase or rent movies on physical media, such as DVD’s. Another 33% of consumers, will purchase or rent movies on both digital and physical media. That means the amount of consumers that only watch content through digital media exclusively, is less than 18%. This number is certainly significant but we’re still a long way off before we can decry the death of physical media, which actually I don’t think will ever occur.
- The key is that consumers are still excited about and hold a very sizeable market for physical media. So, if you’re in the business of producing physical media, you should take solace that there will still be a sizeable market that needs to be serviced. Ultimately, I can see consumers regularly obtaining both physical and digital media, thereby creating a stable balance between the two.
- So if you service the optical disc market and you’re on the fence whether you should upgrade or replace older optical disc duplicators or scrap the whole project, I’m hear to say that your investment in the latest hardware with updated features would still be a wise investment with substantial returns well into the future.